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Treatment Atopic Eczema

It is estimated that there are 20 to 30% of people with atopic dermatitis worldwide. It often begins in the young age, but even later appearance of the disease is not rare. Atopy is often associated with allergic symptoms (hay fever, asthma). The term atopic reflects abnormal, atypical response of skin and mucous membranes to various provocative stimuli. The skin is extremely dry and itchy.Why does it arise?

Treatment of atopic eczema

Treatment Atopic Eczema - Atopic eczema is a nightmare for small children and their parents
Skin disease, which is non-infectious indeed, but especially many children can be torment by fierce itching. It is estimated that there are 20 to 30% of people with atopic dermatitis worldwide.
It often begins in the young age, but even later appearance of the disease is not rare. Atopy is often associated with allergic symptoms (hay fever, asthma). The term atopic eczema reflects abnormal, atypical response of skin and mucous membranes to various provocative stimuli. The skin is extremely dry and itchy.

Treatment Atopic Eczema
Why does it arise?

- Either the children inherited the eczema,
- Or have immune disorders, and such cells react in a different way from the response of cells in healthy skin
- The cause can be an increased presence of staphyloccocuc bacteria, which usually do not reside in healthy skin and in contact with atopic eczema it causes inflammatory skin reaction,
- It can also be impaired with protective functions of the skin

Defective skin ''seal''

The development of the disease is contributed to by a genetic disorder of fatty layer of skin barrier. The result is an increase in water loss, which dries the skin even more. The skin is then rough, cracked, there are the scales and it is less resistant to damage. This facilitates penetration of allergens and irritants from the environment.

It is therefore recommended for the treatment to remove the damaged top layer of the skin by means of quality medicines (eczema skin treatment, children calming skin cream), visit

Artificially reinforced skin barrier prevents both leakage and penetration of allergens into the skin.

Juvenile form usually begins with about 2 and 4 strongly itching rashes and blisters on face or head. It can extend to the entire head, trunk and limbs. Baby is then awake all night, doesn't have enough sleep and is tired. This applies to its entire family.

''The disease affects not only children, but in effect the whole family,'' says MD. Capkova Stepanek of the department of pediatric dermatology of the Teaching Hospital in Prague Motol.

''Another fact is that the infant with a defect in appearance is disappointing for the parents. But it is important that both mother and child with eczema are enjoying a physical contact and caressing. Foster his psyche and thus immunity. Spontaneous touches and caresses are often avoided by meticulous application of prescribed drugs.''

It is important for the care of a child to be joined by its father. ''Irritated and a crying baby undermines the confidence of an exhausted mother and leads to the feelings of inadequacy,'' explains Capkova. ''My father also felt inept in the care. They feel unimportant and pushed away by a mother-bound sick child. It is appropriate to change parental role and involve the father in care. This will help everyone. ''


Children form affects infants and preschool children. ''Favorite sites'' of that form are mostly elbows and poples. It is rather a ''dry'' chronic symptom - dry skin, which aggravates with brief acute phase, which is indicated by a redness and itching. This stage is usually managed by the parents.

Adolescent and adult form remain in parts of the bending limb and also affects the upper chest. The problem in adolescence is mainly psychological, because teenagers can not cope with the fact that it appears on various sites. The rash usually disappears with age. However, if they appear in stressful situations or significant immunodepression, eczema can occur at any time. Then again it ''falls asleep''.

How to fight atopy eczema?

Treatment Atopic eczema must be lead by a dermatologist. The basis for successful treatment is correct diagnosis of disorder by a doctor (some people confuse the symptoms of atopy with acne - particularly in adolescents) and the adaptation diet.

Modification of diet

Optimal prevention of atopy is along lactation.

After the second year of life, major role is played by the allergens and infections of the external environment. At school age it is normal to suffer physical and psychological stress. In the course of early adolescence it tends to have the effect of hormonal changes.

Skin care, cosmetics and clothing

Long contact with chlorinated water dries the skin, so it is recommended to take only short showers. Oil baths are suitable however, after which the skin is not brushed, but immediately treated with nutritious hemp body milk.

In principle, we choose hypoallergenic cosmetic products. The new product should be tested on a small portion of the skin - the best is arm, explains partner of the shop, Mr. Roman

Clothing should be in principle open, airy and made of cotton. Unsuitable clothing is the following: synthetic fibers, wool and fur. Linen should be perfectly steeped.


The basis of therapy is to maintain and restore the skin barrier by means of suitable medicinal cannabis cream. In running sores we use compresses as recommended by the dermatologist.

Novelty of the third millennium are so-called immunomodulators, or products that improve the balance of components of the immune system. Recent research has shown that prolonged use of these products with a combination of hemp cream led to significant limitations as to time and severity of the manifestations of atopic eczema.


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