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Eczema symptoms

Atopic dermatitis as well as eczema are an inflammatory skin disorders, manifested by dry skin, redness, swelling and itching. Usually occurs in infancy and adulthood disappear. Symptoms are various depending on what form of eczema occurs. There are three forms, namely infant, child and adult form.

 Atopic Eczema Treatment

Among the principles of successful treatment are mainly an effort to eliminate known allergens, ie. create around hypoallergenic environment.

Your residence areas should be vacuumed frequently, better without carpets, feather duvets and pillows and other dust catchers. Animals with fur and feather such as cats and rodents are (unfortunately) dust catchers as and is not recommended to share same house as human suffering from eczema.

Furthermore, in the areas where  live people suffering from eczema is strongly recommend not to smoke, not even from the stove, and irritating fumes , eg. Painting one. Therefore, it is also important to maintain adequate ventilation.

People atopic eczema should  use  usual daily hygiene products and cosmetics, but the products designed for people with sensitive skin. Hemp Soaps,moisturizers, lotions,creams etc. are  designed for sensitive skin afflicted by eczema.These hemp skin products should be used after a warm bath and applied immediately to keep the skin hydrated. External treatment  also means  keeping  hygienic regime.

Our recommended products are folowing:

Atopos - skin cream

Exema - skin treatment cream

Natural hydrating soap

and for children:

Robatko calming skin cream

Robatko - hydrating soap


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